Wednesday, February 4, 2015

It's Not You, It's the Diet

There is this amazing concept at the core of my IIN® called Bio-individuality. It is the idea that no one type of diet works for everyone, and that one man's food is another man's poison.

I love this because it brings to light to silly nature of fad diets. A new diet comes out that is all the rage and everyone swears by it. Many will inevitably try it and it won't work. The sad thing is that the people who "fail" thought it was them, that they were weak, they didn't try hard enough, but the reality is the diet wasn't for them. They didn't fail the diet, the diet just wasn't right. Repeated "failure" however causes people to give up and quit which is heartbreaking, without knowing the real problem was that the diet wasn't for them, not from lack of their effort.

If we all understand diet from the bio-individuality stand point, we will stop looking to crazy new fad diets, but instead will listen to our intuition and learn to listen to our bodies. Our bodies know what they need and they tell us. We just have to learn to listen. You may think your body is telling you that it needs meat, dairy, Twinkies, potato chips, etc., and it very well could be telling you that those are real cravings, but you and I both know that those are not real foods that the body "needs." Cravings are the body's way of telling you it is lacking something else - be in nutrients from real whole foods or nutrients from a fulfilling life like needing more love.

Once you learn to listen and identify what the body really needs and is asking for then you can start with the simple things that everyone knows - eat more vegetables, whole grains and fruits, less meat, dairy and processed foods. That is not to say you can't have those things, just have less of them by eating more of the good stuff. And when you want a little of something else, then have it, but just a little.

We don't really need a $59.7 billion diet industry that is always pushing miracle pills, ideas, methods, fad diets and has us perpetually living on a diet. What you need for your health and well-being does not come in a pill, or a shake, or a book. It comes from listening to your very wise body and applying the very simple things we all know we need to do more of - drink more water, eat more vegetables, whole grains, fruits, nuts, seeds, lean means, whole real dairy and move more. It really is quite simple.

So go ahead try a new diet, it might be the perfect fit for you, but don't get down on yourself if it doesn't work. Brush it off, knowing you gave it your best, realized it asked you to cut out too much, and move on. It wasn't your fault, it was the diet not fitting your needs, your food needs, your lifestyle needs. It's OK to try something new. Eventually you will find a perfect balance that works right for you, which will not be the same thing for your spouse, kids or friends, it is uniquely yours and the more you listen, the more your body will guide you.