I know this is bold statement and possibly crazy, but our bodies are not designed to consume as many grains as we consume. Grains and wheat were not part of our evolutionary process. As hunter gatherers, we ate berries, plants and meat when we could find it. Our genetic make up is generally the same now as it was then, however we consume differently, not to mention live entirely different lives that what our bodies were naturally designed to do.

In my continual expansion of food, health and wellness knowledge I am currently reading Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis. While I admit I picked it up because of my own gluten intolerance and always wanting to learn more about the expanding scientific evidence of gluten allergies I am amazed by the detail to which Dr. Davis goes into. And the list of ailments that could be gluten related! He explains the genetic modifications of grains over time, our body genetic change as well as the evolving dynamic of our current food systems.
While already making radical changes to my diet since identifying my gluten and lactose intolerance, I am further convinced in my own diet, to eliminate corn and starchy, glucose-raising vegetables.
Whenever anyone mentions an aliment, joint pain, bowel issues, rashes, itchy skin, scalp, digestive issues, allergy issues, depression, anxiety, lethargy, headaches, caffeine addiction, dramatic weight gain and loss, sugar cravings.... – I am convinced that they need to remove gluten from their diet. Often I will ask if they have tried going gluten free and the response often is, "Yeah, but it didn't work." I typically ask how long did you try it, a week or 3 is the most I ever get. But what people don't realize is that it takes at minimum 1 month, ideally 3 months, and completely 6 months to a year to really reap the benefits of a complete removal of gluten from the body and diet. Furthermore, most people who think they went gf for a week or two, probably didn't even go completely gluten free, because gluten is hidden in so many unknown places. You can be consuming it unknowingly in: salad dressings, cured sandwich meats, iced tea drinks, prepared meat marinades, blue cheese dressings, condiments....places you would least expect it. You legitimately need to give it time.
Just replacing gluten-filled processed foods with gluten free processed foods doesn't work either. While not gluten containing, the whole point of going gf is a lifestyle change. And as Dr. Davis explains the non-gluten grains are just a processed and damaging. You should not just replace one with the other, but instead increase your vegetable and fruit intake.
If you have joint pain, bowel issues, rashes, itchy skin, scalp, digestive issues, seasonal allergy issues, depression, anxiety, lethargy, headaches, caffeine addiction, dramatic weight gain and loss, sugar cravings, psoriasis, feel like you are "allergic to everything" go gluten free for 3 months, ideally 6. And then see if what ails you goes away or gets better. It worked wonders for my life and according to Dr. Davis more of us need to go gf too.