But I had an incredibly validating experience the other day that has me chomping at the bit, so much so, I've spent the better part of this flight fighting my paid in flight WiFi not working with the IIN interface, ugh, just to do my class and write this post. So much for excitement, ugh.

So what started as a potentially horrible day - my Mom had called me the night before scared and having excruciating chest pains! I asked her umpteen million questions as any loving daughter would. All her ailments pointed to heart attack and especially at her age, she's at a higher risk, albeit healthy, fit and a very conscious eater. After extensive research online I further learned that pretty much every menopause symptom is similar to that of a heart attack as with heartburn. I told her I would call in the morning to see if the chest pain continued (that she had had for 5 days, and had just told me about!!!!). It hadn't. So I went into problem solving mode and made an appointment with the on-call doctor. I figured it is better to rule out the scary stuff than the alternative. While turning to a western medicine doctor is not my first choice, nor Mom's, I figured 5 days of heart pain was enough to warrant a visit.
Long story short, the on call doctor was amazing, exuberant, thorough, patient and kind. He hooked her up to an EKG which had normal readings, her blood pressure was a tad high when we got there, but promptly lowered (white coat syndrome). All his analysis ruled out heart attack and the next thought was heartburn. Mom felt embarrassed and silly, but had never experienced heartburn before (a true testimony to how well she really eats). He suggested an OTC antacid which mom promptly wrinkled her nose at and asked me what are her alternatives. To which I replied activated charcoal (but that sucks up everything good and bad), APV (apple cider vinegar), lemon water (both of which have alkalizing effect on the body - even given their inherent acidic flavors) and lots if leafy greens.
On call doc looked at me and smiled and then retracted his typical antacid suggestions, realizing we'd prefer natural remedies saying, "Yes, yes of course those are great options. Try it for a few weeks if it doesn't work then perhaps try an OTC antacid." Both Mom and I feeling relieved thanked the on-call doc and asked him what made him so wonderful and if he was accepting new patients (mom never liked her primary, which in my book is crucial in getting the best healthcare). He told us his background, asked Mom hers then turned to me and asked, "What do you do? Are you naturopath?" I caught myself in my typical response of my day job and instead said that I'm enrolled at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition® and working towards getting a Health Coach certification. Which he instantly lit up and said, "That is fantastic! IIN is a great program! Health Coaches are the future of healthcare! We need health coaches everywhere - in doctors offices, in patients homes, in their kitchens. When you finish your certification call me I would love to hire you!" :) :P :) :o
Not only did we learn Mom was not having a heart attack (Phew!), but just something simple we know how to manage, she found a new primary she loves, AND I got validation AND a job offer to work with an amazing alternative, progressive-thinking western medicine doc!! OMG, what a day!
I enrolled at IIN for me, not knowing my future plans once I get my certification, but hoping that it would open a whole new career path I never thought possible. And this possibly horrible day turned amazingly validating, made me know this is SO what I want to do. And if doctors are seeing the value of Health Coaches to pick up where they leave off and don't have the time to follow up and "coach" their patients towards healing themselves. This is where Health Coaches come in. This can and will be me. The idea of helping others help themselves is exactly what I want to do! And knowing that there is recognition that Health Coaches are the future of healthcare, outside our little IIN bubble, then I can't wait!!